M/30/5’10” [200lbs>134lbs>150lbs =66lbs lost and 16lbs gained] (28 months) Saw this picture from years ago and didn’t even realize it was me for a second

M/30/5'10” [200lbs>134lbs>150lbs =66lbs lost and 16lbs gained] (28 months) Saw this picture from years ago and didn't even realize it was me for a second

About BodyTransform

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M/15/6’1″ [161lbs > 192lbs = 31lbs] (13 Months) Currently a sophomore, but I’m considering competing in a natural teen show by the time I’m a senior (my comment has more info)

M/15/6'1″ [161lbs > 192lbs = 31lbs] (13 Months) Currently a sophomore, but I'm considering competing …


  1. Incredible transformation. Fantastic work. Enjoy the new you.

  2. Wow what an amazing change. Congrats!

  3. I’m so proud of you, that’s an awesome transformation!

  4. Looks like someone cut back on drinking

  5. Holy shit, dude. Awesome work!

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