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Moore Kismet – See You Go (feat. Courtney Paige Nelson)


  1. I probably would of cried. So bittersweet.

  2. Xenogenesis would be way cooler tho😂

  3. this song was my freshman year summed up as music

  4. Lmfaoo!! This meme better blow up

  5. I have high respect for this man

  6. Ye this was my other channels intro song

  7. Зачем в доме где ты живёшь, кушаешь, и так далее, ходить в грязной обуви?

  8. God damn the nostalgia hearing thaT song😭

  9. San Solo ♥️ not trap nation

  10. I miss this san holo, it just gave me goosebumps everytime

  11. I thought I was the only one that played this songs while I clean

  12. I knew this was San Holo we rise just off the picture ❤️

  13. Does that guy play X-Box?? I can see a white controller when he was picking up that thing, lol

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